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Gilles Toussaint  PARTNER 

If a transaction is the most tangible ending to accompanying a shareholder over time, it is only the tip of the iceberg. Whether it be the final step or just a stage in a journey, it will be the result of a process, which may only have reached maturity over several years. Gilles builds long term relationships with his clients and works with them on a recurring basis, creating a connection critical to the outcome of a shareholder strategy project. Gilles graduated as an Agronomist and began his career in 1996 in the financial department of the Nestlé Group, initially as financial controller of the DOM TOM and Africa in Nestle France then becoming head of financial control of the Infantile Nutrition and Health Division. In 2001, Gilles joined the Vendôme Rome Group, a leading French real estate player, to structure ATISREAL, a European leader in real estate services. In 2004, Gilles joined Pall Mall capital an independent investment bank and in 2008, MediCapital Finance a subsidiary of the Groupe Banque Marocaine du Commerce Extérieur (BMCE). Gilles is a founder member of La Baume Finance. 

Mentions légales

Adresse postale : 128, rue La Boétie, 75008 Paris, France I 01 72 38 52 90 I 

Capital 30 000 euros - RCS 827 905 514

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